Louxor et ses environs

Louxor est un incontournable lorsque l’on voyage en Egypte. Elle se situe sur le site de l’ancienne Thèbes, capitale des pharaons au summum de leur pouvoir. Elle est bâtie autour de deux énormes monuments antiques : l’élégant temple de Louxor et le temple de Karnak. Les tombes royales de la vallée des rois et de la vallée des reines se trouvent sur la rive ouest de la rivière, ainsi que la Valle de Nobles, le Temple Hatshepsout, le Village des Artisans, et plus au Sud les Temples Edfou et Kom Ombo.

Croisière sur le Nil en felouque et le Caire

7 jours
Disponibilité : 24 Novembre - 30 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Assouan - Kom Ombo - Edfou - Louxor
5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a […]
À partir de€1,640
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Croisière sur le Nil et Abou Simbel

8 jours
Disponibilité : 22 Mars - 29 Mars 2024
Le Caire
Louxor - Assouan - Abou Simbel
5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a […]
À partir de€2,040
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Croisière sur le Nil Egypte (Le Caire et Croisière sur le Nil)

7 jours
Disponibilité : 5 Mars - 11 Mars 2025
Le Caire
Assouan - Kom Ombo - Edfou - Louxor
5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a […]
À partir de€1,830
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Croisière sur le Nil et la Mer Rouge

9 jours
Disponibilité : 20 Novembre - 28 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Assouan - Louxor - La Mer Rouge
5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a […]
À partir de€1,940
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Excursions Louxor depuis Hurghada

2 jours
Disponibilité : 29 Novembre - 30 Novembre 2024
  5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from […]
À partir de€500
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Voyage de luxe Egypte

8 jours
Disponibilité : 23 Novembre - 30 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Louxor - Assouan
5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a […]
À partir de€2,240
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Croisière sur le Nil et le lac Nasser

11 jours
Disponibilité : 16 Novembre - 26 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Le Nil - Lac Nasser
5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a […]
À partir de€3,390
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Croisière en dahabeya sur le Nil

10 jours
Disponibilité : 14 Novembre – 23 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Louxor - Edfou - Kom Ombo - Assouan
5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a […]
À partir de€2,950
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Voyage la Moyenne Egypte et les trésors cachés

11 jours
Disponibilité : 20 Novembre - 30 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a […]
À partir de€2,490
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Voyage Égypte et la Jordanie

12 jours
Disponibilité : 18 Novembre - 29 Novembre 2024
Le Caire – Assouan – Louxor – Le Sinaï – Wadi Rum - Petra
5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a […]
À partir de€3,680
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Excursions le Caire et Louxor et Assouan

15 jours
Disponibilité : 15 Novembre - 30 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Alexandrie - Al Fayoum - Dendérah - Louxor - Assouan
5.0 from 100 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 100 Commentaires09-09-2024Claudine LEVRAYVery satisfied with the services of the Terre Trips agency, we will keep memorable memories of our Egyptian getaway. Armo is very attentive to the well-being and satisfaction of its customers. Every day, he makes sure that everything is …More26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a […]
À partir de€2,870
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