The Economy of Egypt

L'Économie de l'Égypte
L'Économie de l'Égypte est encore loin d’avoir retrouvé son niveau d’avant la révolution
Egypt's economy picks up

Yes, LEconomy of Egypt is recovering,… but is still far from having regained its level before the 2011 revolution. One of the government's priorities is the law on small and medium-sized enterprises. This is one of the most important laws, first because it will include small businesses in the formal framework, then because it will encourage the informal economy to be regularized.

There are many young people in Egypt and we want to ensure that economic development provides work opportunities for young people through small, very small or medium enterprises.

The tourism sector, once crucial to the country's economy, has yet to recover to pre-crisis levels. In 2010, the country had attracted some 15 million tourists. The numbers today are much lower.

Egypt is counting on the current weakness of the pound to boost tourism.

crossroads of civilizations, I'Egypt is in 2017 the 1st economic power of the African continent in terms of GDP PPP and the 3rd if we take the nominal GDP, just behind South Africa and Nigeria. Due to the country's desert climate, most human and economic activity is concentrated along the Nile.

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