Facilitators deemed too fat

Animators considered too big. In fact the Union egyptian of radio and television (ERTU) granted women one month to reduce their weight. Although they cannot appear again. As well as the area with an "appropriate appearance", says Al-Yawm al-Sabi's website .

Des animatrices dans la télévision Égyptienne jugées trop grosses ont été suspendues
Facilitators deemed too fat have been suspended

It is truly deplorable to note that nowadays, in 2017, state corporations have come to depreciate, without any embarrassment, the female sex…if she does not correspond to certain beauty criteria to appear on television? Well, this is the case for Egyptian state television.

Due to their overweight, they will be deprived of antennas….until they have lost weight. This is really disgusting" !

When will these TV executives realize that these presenters are as beautiful, smart, competent and presentable….as these “alleged” 2x4s (length measurement for wood)?

Egyptian television: The creation of a national television channel envisaged from the first years of the Egyptian republic. In fact the political events (Suez Canal crisis) will put this project in the background. The construction of the huge television tower (190 meters) on I'Gezira Island begins in 1956 and ends in 1960.

Then in 1959, the government signs an agreement with the Radio Corporation of America. Relating to technical assistance for setting up the network. Also year later. Then on July 21, 1960. However, Egyptian television can finally start broadcasting. Two days before the start of the Revolution Day celebrations.

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